A Secret Between Gentlemen: Faith and Desire is the third volume of this unique historical and biographical series.
It casts devotional light upon a handful of extraordinary homosexual clergymen who hallowed, or otherwise, the Victorian landscape, and whom are now almost forgotten.
These are the Reverends Joseph Leycester Lyne, Robert Eyton, Francis George Widdows, Arthur Trewman, John Henry Daine, and not least Robert Charles Fillingham, whose 186 volumes of unpublished diaries are here accessed to provide a fascinating window into his life and times.
The second half of this volume is devoted to two rare and hitherto unpublished tracts that will be of interest to scholars of Victorian sexuality. There are also 22 pages of photographs.
(Avoid Amazon resellers offering outdated First and Second editions. Use the direct links below to the Third.)
HARDCOVER ONLY (ISBN 978-0-6458527-0-7)
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